Coil Building Shapes
with Zoë Brisebois-Bourget
$50 per person (material kit sold separately)
at Arts Underground // Online
August 22 and 29 | 2:00pm-5:00pm
Materials kits sold separately
Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult
There are two ways you can take this class: you can learn in person in our studio, or you can join the class online via Zoom. In-person registration is limited.
Clay coiling is one of the oldest pottery techniques, in which the maker uses their hands to form long "snakes" of clay that are coiled to form a vessel. It’s a great way to get into pottery, allowing you to build a multitude of shapes with a small amount of equipment and a little imagination. Instructor Zoë Brisebois-Bourget will be sharing a variety of techniques including coiling, assembly of coils, smoothing surfaces, and decorating works using underglazes.
This workshop is suitable for makers at all skill levels. Participants can choose to take this workshop either in our studio, or from the comfort of their own home.
Clay Kits
M340 Clay Kit (grey):
M370 Ckay Kit (white):
M390 Clay Kit (red):