Jane Fergusson Storey | North to Northwest: A Painting Journey through the Territories

2020-09 Focus poster - Storey medres.jpg

Jane Fergusson Storey
North to Northwest: A Painting Journey through the Territories

Focus Gallery, September 4 - 26, 2020

It is always best to paint outdoors! My expressionistic oil paintings capture the strong shapes, tones, and colours of mountains, trees, foreground, and sky. Cezanne and the Group of Seven are two of my strongest influences.

I love to arrive at a beautiful scene and realize that this is the view I will paint today. I’m fortunate to have so many beautiful locations to choose from in the Yukon. I set up my easel and outline the main shapes of the scene before me. As I apply brushstrokes, I respond directly to the landscape and light before me. This process gives my paintings life.

The Northern Landscape always has an inspiration for me. I am privileged to have been able to explore and paint in Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon.  


Jane Fergusson Storey is a visual artist who painted the landscape in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon for the past thirty years. She has a Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Guelph, and has attended a Summer Series at the Banff Centre of Fine Arts. She has attended Art workshops at Emma Lake and Red Deer College, and has painted the landscape in France and Bali. Her style is strong, impressionistic and based on a deep connection to her surroundings. She observes colours and shapes in nature, and responds directly on her canvas.

Whitehorse Star, Portraying the North


Past Exhibitions


Virginia Mitford | She Danced Her Way In & Other Work


Carolyn Steele Lane | Stone Dragons in my garden and other creations in WOOL