Arts Underground Ceramics | Place Setting
Members & Friends of the Arts Underground Ceramics Studio
Place Setting
Focus & Edge Galleries, August 7 - 29, 2020
Since Arts Underground first opened in 2005, hundreds of people have gathered in our Ceramics Studio to throw their first pots, share tools and techniques, and grow an impressive community of enthusiastic ceramicists.
Place Setting is our first exhibition dedicated to celebrating this growing community. The show features creations by members of the Arts Underground Studio, as well as Yukon Art Society members, and members of the KIAC Ceramics Studio in Dawson City.
The artists were asked to create pieces that could go in a place setting when friends gather together around a table, such as drinking vessels, plates, bowls, and vases. We are excited to gather these objects together and share them with you.
Amberley Cooke | @kinworkpottery
Anne-Patrice Cross | @apgilbert
Annie Broadhurst | @akbceramics
Astrid Kruse | @astridtkruse
Carly Tateson | @claybycarly
Catherine Lalonde
Chris Scherbarth
Devon Berquist | @tundra.punk
Emil Dege | @emil.dege |
Jules Bee
Kim Edgar | @deadbirdparty |
Leighann Chalykoff | @lc_creative_ceramics |
Patrick Royle & Nicole Bauberger | @baubergernicole |
Philomene Campeau-Lévesque | @philomenecampeau
Roma Dobrowolsky
Saskia Blagaj-Berger
Sheelah Tolton | @stoltonart |
Yukon News, Melted beeswax, community pottery take centre stage at Arts Underground’s August shows

Past Exhibitions