Jordan Stevens | Drip Drop Pop

2019-09 Edge poster - Stevens 500px.jpg

Jordan Stevens
Drip Drop Pop

The EDGE Gallery, september 6 - 28, 2019

With each step along my path as an artist I continue to find my biggest waves of inspiration from the Pop-Culture-world that often [like it-or-not] surrounds us. This show is based around the theme of 21st Century pop-art. With my skills emerging in mixed-media, using foam-core and watercolour painting techniques, with images often raised directly off of the canvas, I am excited to offer my new creations. This exhibit is specifically inspired by the clean, catching and easily-digestible solid-colours and lines, like seen in The Simpsons [also a major inspiration]. It is also centrally inspired by the state of quality Hip-Hop music [Frank Ocean, NoName, Kendrick Lamar], the current cultural gravity of the NBA, food culture, and combining words and images to create playful juxtapositions. It’s not unlike a culture-blog that has come to life as visual art. These images, sounds, tastes, words: are all around us, everyday, whether we like it or not; whether we are aware of it, or not. My hope is that others will find a joy, a fresh breath, a chuckle, or that new thought(s) may be born out of this playfulness. I create all of this out of my home, tucked down the back roads of Whitehorse, Yukon.


I am a mixed-media artist, who often creates images/illustration with watercolour painting techniques that are affixed to foam-core, then affixed to painted canvas. I have no formal training, though have been creating, experimenting and growing as an artist continually. Coming off of a jury-selected Arts Underground exhibition “What’s Good” [April, 2017] along with private sales and increased artistic creations with music, I hope to take this opportunity to continue my growth as an artist and contribute to this special community that I am very proud to be a part of.


Past Exhibitions


Blake Nelson Shaá'koon Lepine | Factory Life


Kathy M Haycock | Landscapes