Kathy M Haycock | Landscapes

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Kathy M Haycock


I am very pleased to share with you a collection of Yukon landscape paintings completed over the past decade.

Painting here on-site within the vast powerful Yukon landscape is truly humbling, and yet richly rewarding.

On-site the senses respond to all the surrounding and enriching life-forces, as well as the scene out front. My brush reacts intuitively applying oils to canvas and panel creating a fresh feeling of really being there. Back in the studio larger canvases are expanded from onsite sketches, with memories and imagination. I pay homage to Yukon’s awe inspiring majesty, rich history, independent spirit and impulsive weather… and I’m utterly enchanted by breathtaking beauty everywhere.

My father, northern artist Maurice Haycock painted here extensively many years ago. His paintings are in numerous Yukon collections. My work is strongly influenced by him and by AY Jackson, his close painting partner and friend for 30 years. I grew up surrounded by their work and was first introduced to the Canadian North through their paintings. You will see some of his works in the show and you may see his and AYJ’s influence in my brushwork and colour palette.

Professionally, I’m a juried member of the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA), the Ontario Society of Artists (OSA) and international Artists for Conservation (AFC), and an invited Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society (RCGS).

Through my art I support conservation. I am delighted to support wildlife rehabilitation at Yukon Wildlife Preserve with a portion of sales from this show.

Whitehorse Star

Kathy M Haycock began to paint in oils in 1998 after many years as a fiber artist and tapestry weaver living in Eastern Ontario’s Algonquin wilderness. Now a dedicated plein air painter, she is largely self-taught but cites the major influence of her father, Arctic artist Maurice Haycock, and his long time painting partner A.Y. Jackson, in her work.

There is an intimate connection to the natural world experienced in the wilderness landscape. Kathy shares this with delight, respect, awe and sense of belonging through her wilderness art. Each painting is an emotional reaction to a certain place, expressed intuitively in fresh nuances of colours, rhythmic compositions and playful brushwork. Painting trips have taken her across Canada’s Eastern Arctic and Greenland, the Northwest Territories, Yukon, northern BC and Alaska, the American Southwest, Newfoundland, Quebec and Ontario. She works up large canvases in her remote studio, a restored log barn, developing themes derived from her plein air field sketches.

Kathy exhibits in select solo and juried group shows and has received numerous awards. She presents lectures, slide shows, demonstrations and workshops. Her paintings are featured in numerous books and publications including “Wild Women, Painters of the Wilderness”, Inanna Press 2014. Kathy’s work is represented in public and commercial galleries and in private, public and corporate collections across Canada and internationally.

A firm supporter of conservation, Kathy donates a portion of all sales to environmental causes.

Past Exhibitions


Jordan Stevens | Drip Drop Pop


Niki Parry, Gordon Wallace & Heather Wanamaker | Surfacing