Association franco-yukonnaise | Gadgets et vieux trésors


Association franco-yukonnaise
Gadgets et vieux trésors

Focus Gallery, February 1 - 23, 2019

For their Gadgets and Ancient Treasures exhibit, the Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) invites musicians, dance artists, film-makers and visual artists to explore the concept of ancient and modern technology, scientific discoveries, games and processes that have had an important impact on our lives.

The exhibit will look at inventions that have both influenced the course of history and those that have simply had an effect on our daily lives, whether in a practical or a spiritual sense.


À l’occasion de l’exposition Gadgets et vieux trésors, l’Association franco-yukonnaise invite les musiciens, les artistes de la danse, les vidéastes et les artistes visuels à explorer la notion d’anciennes et de nouvelles technologies, découvertes scientifiques, jeux ou procédés ayant eu un impact considérable sur nos vies.

Ces inventions peuvent avoir influencé le cours de l’histoire ou simplement le quotidien d’un individu, de façon pratique ou spirituelle.

Past Exhibitions


Owen Williams | Codex: Canon


The Shadow Group | What We Become in the Shadows