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Edge Gallery, October 1 - 30, 2021

Denht’a? Eszi’ Natasha Peter guyē lahta.

 Dena kèh (Kaska way)- my grandmothers Mary and Tootsie Charlie gave me the name Gwensellia - which means Moose Skin Scrapper (infers-hard worker). I was raised in Ross River on Kaska lands. I was taught Kaska Traditions such as hunting, harvesting, sewing and beading from my elders.

 When I was just a child, I remember my mother sitting up late at night sewing clothing for family members. She often used me as her model. Sometimes I would dig through her make-up, clothes and shoes and play dress up.

 I believe that growing up in such a creative and traditional environment lead to my interest in sewing and creating art.

 I've been creating jewelry and clothing for some time and only getting better. My goal is to eventually showcase my art pieces worldwide and show off the traditional/modern clothing and jewelry. My art consists of a mix of traditional and contemporary style.

Exploring and making new items gives me a sense of excitement and pleasure  

 It is very important for me to keep my traditional teachings alive as so much of our culture is lost. Also, to pass onto my daughter and grandchildren. In hopes that she will pass onto her children, grandchildren 

 When I create a piece of art, it builds my pride in my traditional teachings and gives me great joy to share it with others.

Past Exhibitions


Chu Niikwän Artist Residency | Elemental Transformations


Joyce Majiski & Zea Morvitz | Eleventy-leven: Eleven Years of Collaboration and Exchange