Erin Oliver-Beebe | Northern Heart

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Erin Oliver-Beebe
Northern Heart

The Edge Gallery, October 4 - 26, 2019

Born and raised in the Yukon, my paintings come from my love for the Yukon wilderness and the adventures I have had in it. I am inspired by the mountains, rivers and forests around me, and aim to capture the wonder I feel in such wild places. Entirely self taught, I experiment with acrylic paint and play with colours, light and techniques until I find something that speaks to me in that moment and captures the feel of my memories. Many of my paintings grow from feelings I get when I see something truly amazing, whether it be a fierce grizzly momma, rushing rivers, or awe-inspiring mountain vistas. I hope to let others glimpse theses sights that give me such wonder through the viewing of my paintings and inspire people to get outside and chase these sights themselves.




Past Exhibitions


Virginie Hamel | Secret Kingdom


Blake Nelson Shaá'koon Lepine | Factory Life