Anthony DeLorenzo | Water's Edge

2019-06 Focus poster - Anthony DeLorenzo 800x600.jpg

Anthony DeLorenzo
Water’s Edge

Focus Gallery, June 7 - 29, 2019

Water’s Edge is a series of photographs taken from 2012–2019 along a short stretch of the Yukon River that remains open throughout the winter. I travel along these river banks almost daily and am constantly observing how the light and conditions change from day to day and year to year. 

Many of these scenes I have revisited multiple times looking for the right image to capture the unique conditions of this area. While I began by focusing on the broader landscape, in more recent years I have been drawn to more intimate details, textures and graphical elements. 

I work in black and white—without colour I rely on light, texture and contrast to tell a story and create emotion. These silver gelatin prints are created by hand using a completely analog process. While technology can mimic the end result I believe it can never fully recreate the energy, artistic depth and tangible quality of a darkroom silver print.

Anthony DeLorenzo is a landscape and outdoor adventure photographer who works with film and traditional darkroom printing. He lives in Whitehorse, Yukon and he is passionate about exploring the remote landscapes of Canada’s North—his own backyard.

He uses a completely non-digital process from capturing images on film to making silver gelatin prints in the darkroom. His handmade prints explore the possibilities of the monochrome image through toning and alternative printing techniques. 

Since 2017 his work has been exhibited in Whitehorse, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

Past Exhibitions


Yukon Art Society | Water


Goran Sreckovic | Yukon or the Yukon