Goran Sreckovic | Yukon or the Yukon

2019-06 Edge poster - Goran Sreckovic 600x800.jpg

Goran Sreckovic
Yukon or the Yukon:
A Matter of Perception

Edge Gallery, June 7 - 29, 2019

The story goes that true Yukoners refer to the territory as the Yukon as opposed to Yukon. The Yukon seems to be the real deal – a place of authenticity.

We are biased in many ways, which sometimes leads us to make conclusions that are not based on facts. We reach for fleeting thoughts and emotions that might be deceptive and flawed. That creates a mismatch between what is in our minds and what is real, which can cause big problems.

I keep asking myself if I really wanted to spend time in (the) Yukon. At the first glance, it does not feel like I did, but the answer is not so simple. I might easily draw my conclusions from data that do not take into account my entire experience. I might not want to see the Yukon, the real deal, for what it really is, even though it is somewhere in my subconscious. There are gaps in my perception of reality.

The photographs that I took are an attempt to see my entire real deal - coming from a place of authenticity. Some of the images seem to fill in the gaps and reveal more than my mind is able to see.

Even though photography is not what Goran does for a living, it has been an important part of his existence. It provides him with different perspectives and makes him better in his day job.

His broad experience in the utility industry brought him to Whitehorse four years ago. In his position with Yukon Energy Corporation he and his team ensure that Yukon does not run out of electricity in the future.

As a part of his previous life, he was a professional photographer publishing his work in sports and car magazines in Yugoslavia. These days, his photography is conceptual. He presents universal human experiences such as pleasure, pain, power, love, illness, and wisdom through scenes and objects from everyday life.

Goran lives and works in Whitehorse, (the) Yukon.

Past Exhibitions


Anthony DeLorenzo | Water's Edge


Northern Fibres Guild | Fibre-Optics: Inspiration to Creation