Call for Exhibition Proposals
Yukon Art Society | Call for Exhibition Proposals
Deadline: Monday, March 31
Are you a Yukon or Atlin, B.C. resident looking to exhibit your artwork? Are you an artist or curator with an incredible idea for an exhibition? Consider submitting a proposal to the Yukon Art Society.
Yukon Art Society is a non-profit organization that strives to build the arts community in Yukon by inspiring the enjoyment of art and supporting those who make art to grow and access opportunities. Through our community space, Arts Underground, we host two unique gallery spaces dedicated to exhibiting emerging, mid-career, and established Yukon artists.
We are currently seeking proposals for exhibitions for the following months and galleries:
September 2025 - Edge Gallery
January 2026 - Focus & Edge Galleries
February 2026 - Edge Gallery
March 2026 - Focus Gallery
May 2026 - Edge Gallery
August 2026 - Focus & Edge Galleries
September 2026 - Focus & Edge Galleries
October 2026 - Edge Gallery
November 2026 - Focus & Edge Galleries
The deadline for consideration in our spring jury session is Monday, March 31.
If you have any questions, please contact Teagan at