Pam van Kampen | Strangers from This Planet

2020-10 Focus poster - Van Kampen RGB.jpg

Pam van Kampen
Strangers from This Planet

Focus Gallery, October 2 - 31, 2020

This collection of works is made from photographs taken in the fall of 2018 in the eastern parts of Europe. My husband and I met the people in the streets, in trains and in museums. Interactions were mostly brief. This contrasts with my show in the Yukon Arts Centre in the spring of 2017, where all the subjects were local. The technique used for these works are more advanced than the previous works, in that I have tried to learn and use the Venetian technique in more detail.

Two aspects have occupied my thoughts while making the works: the use of photos for oil painting (from instantaneous to very slow processes; making an image of an image rather than from “real”) and the meaning of oil paint portraiture in a time of image overload and the use of photography and social media to distribute these images.

Over the years as a painter of people, I have come to believe that the environment in which the person finds her/himself is just as important and deserves as much attention and detail. I further believe that thoughts  and concepts about art have their place and can enhance understanding and experience, but should not take over from the more direct sensual effects of the art work on the viewer.


Pam van Kampen is offering tours to groups of 6 people or less. Please contact katie[at] to book a spot. Each tour will run approximately 30 minutes. Current available dates:

Friday, October 2: 2-5pm
Saturday, October 3: 2-5pm
Friday, October 9: 2-5pm
Saturday, October 10: 2-5pm
Friday, October 16: 2-5pm
Saturday, October 17: 2-5pm
Friday, October 23: 2-5pm
Saturday, October 24: 2-5pm
Friday, October 30: 2-5pm
Saturday, October 31: 2-5pm

I have been an artist for over 40 years and have been involved in about 20 exhibitions worldwide. My last exhibition was in 2017 at the Yukon Arts Centre. The Yukon Permanent Art Collection bought one of my works in 2019. My main focus is portraits but I occasionally paint landscapes. I also work with pen and ink and have used beads in my paintings in the past.

I immigrated from the Netherlands in 1987 and have lived in the Yukon since 1993, where I practice as a physiotherapist. Having raised two daughters, I am now getting more time for other things and am taking commissions for oil painting portraits.

Yukon News, New Arts Underground shows feature paintings of strangers, dreams of gold rush-era dance hall girls


Video tour


Past Exhibitions


Women à la carte | Duende


Virginia Mitford | She Danced Her Way In & Other Work