Women à la carte | Duende

2020-11 Focus poster - Women à la Carte.jpg

Women à la carte

Focus & Edge Galleries, November 6 - 28, 2020

Edwige Graham | Glenda Mosher | Kathy Piwowar | Gabriele Watts

Women à la carte present DUENDE - a group show illustrating the spirit of evocation.

A Spanish word, "duende",  is the inner response one experiences when deeply moved by things of beauty, especially in art.

Women à la carte can attest that we create art from a definite 'call and response' experience. Our eyes behold, our imaginations are ignited, our spirits are moved, and our hands respond.

This is evocative! This is a spark! Do we respond by creating thoughtfully, playfully, or mysteriously? We leave you the viewer to decide, and to encounter the spark of duende in yourself.

CBC Radio, Yukon women's group opens new show hoping to inspire emotion


Women à la carte is a group of four women of diverse backgrounds, who work in different media, and regularly meet to share ideas, artistic inspiration, and collaborate in exhibitions.

Kathy Piwowar
As a young woman Kathy came to Faro to seek her fortune in mining. In the thirty five years since then, Kathy’s pent up artist expression has found fertile ground in the Whitehorse art scene. Her mixed media versatility is a result of many local workshops, as well as stints at art colleges in Calgary, Vancouver and Red Deer which provided a rich environment for her exploration and experimentation with media and techniques.

Texture, pattern, grids and other strong graphic elements distinguish her work. Figures, wildlife and birds reflect her degree in Biology as well as her aquatic insect research, and many years teaching science courses at Yukon College. As a result her pieces often illustrate the intersections of art and science.

Kathy's work has been exhibited twice at the Yukon Arts Centre Gallery, thirteen years at The Great Northern Art Festival in Inuvik, as well as numerous solo, two-person, and group shows in Whitehorse. She enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge with the local arts community as a regular workshop instructor.

Glenda Mosher
Glenda was born in Nova Scotia. She has had the distinct pleasure of living in seven Canadian provinces. The study of music and art have been her lifelong passion. After raising four children with her husband, Glenda began to focus solely on developing her studio practice. 

Fascinated with people on the street, inspired by the landscape outside her door, and charmed with the commonplace things of life, Glenda's paintings capture the essence of these moments. She works in styles best able to capture that which resonates with her. 

At times, painting representationally works for Glenda to recreate and draw attention to colour and light, other times her interpretation is more imaginative. Intent on painting with acrylic, she has been pushing the boundaries of this medium for several years, often using mixed media and surface texture to create innovative works.

After living five years in the spectacular Yukon Territory, Glenda has returned to the Ottawa area.

In 2013, Glenda's painting "Light Rustles on the Cabin", received the Northwestel Directory Cover Art Award for the Yukon Territory. Glenda Mosher’s work can be found hanging on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON, and in private collections in Canada and the UK.

Gabriele Watts
Gabriele was born in Germany and moved to Canada at the age of 10. In her early twenties she returned to Europe for three years to work and travel and it was during this time that her interest in art began. Seeing the paintings in museums and old churches while there, left a lasting impression on her which would emerge later in life and influence her to begin painting. Gabriele is primarily a self-taught artist who has participated in various workshops related to art. She is a member of the Yukon Art Society and has exhibited in two-man and group exhibitions in Whitehorse.

Edwige Graham
Edwige Graham was born in France in the 60’s. The daughter of a shepherd and a seamstress, she spent her childhood surrounded with textiles in rural Lorraine. After high school, she decided to see the world, went to England for a year to learn English, then immigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1984 and moved to the Yukon in 1989. Working with textiles is her past time and passion. This is the 5th exhibition that she shares with Women à la Carte in Whitehorse. 


Past Exhibitions


Yukon Art Society | Stoke


Pam van Kampen | Strangers from This Planet